Office Furniture Installations: What Problems You Can Avoid


When it comes to the installation of your office furniture, there is a lot that can go wrong. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you were well prepared to handle any issues that might arise? Did you coordinate with everyone involved properly? Did you do all the necessary research to avoid any problems with the installation?

Hopefully, you can comfortably answer these questions with a resounding “yes, of course”. With so many moving parts involved with a new office installation, it is important to know what potential roadblocks and problems could arise. 

So, today we are going to dive into what potential problems there are with office furniture installations and how you can avoid them and have a successful installation day without any issues. 

Things To Keep in Mind Before You Start

Naturally, no matter how prepared you may be for something there is always a chance that things may go wrong. But at least you can take the necessary steps to better ensure success

Here are a few things to keep in mind both before, and on, installation day. 

  • Verify all the details before installation day to avoid any issues. Having a confirmation email to refer back to can always come in handy if anything were to ever go wrong.
  • Existing furniture should be removed. You don’t want the installation team to arrive ready to set up and see that old furniture and appliances are still in the space. 
  • Reserve the elevator. Nothing is more frustrating than waiting for an elevator when moving. So, confirm that the elevator has been reserved prior to installation. 
  • Survey the workspace beforehand. It’s a good idea to scope out the area before installation day to spot any stairs you didn’t expect or layouts that may not match the information you have.
  • Inform the staff.  If you are doing installations in a workspace that already has existing employees, make sure they are well-informed prior to installation day to ensure they are ready. 
  • Other trades on site. Chances are that there might be other trades workers on-site at the same time you want to install your new furniture. It’s important to coordinate with them to avoid any overlapping. 

    Related: 4 Mistakes People Make With Office Furniture Installation

    Problems With Installing Furniture Yourself

    You might be thinking that installing furniture can be pretty straight forward, you may have even put together a desk or chair before. Even though there might be some short-term savings when it comes to a big office installation; its best to leave it to the professionals. 

    If you do decide to install things yourself, these are some of the problems that could arise:

    • Employee injuries due to lack of experience.
    • Damage to technology and equipment can set you back on time and money.
    • Added issues can add extra costs to your business that could have been avoided.
    • Workers’ compensation for any injuries caused during installation.
    • Added costs if damaged furniture needs replacement or any extra repairs.

    Related: 4 Pitfalls That Can Affect An Office Furniture Installation

    Should you Hire a Professional?

    Often office furniture is big, awkward and extremely heavy, which can make it quite difficult to install. Especially if unskilled workers are hired to handle this equipment, they are vulnerable to causing scratches or surface damage which can be expensive to repair or replace.

    Hiring an office furniture professional will provide peace of mind knowing that they can handle the office furniture with care and expertise. These installers will assemble your furniture correctly, using the required techniques and tools so that it will function properly and last longer than if it was installed incorrectly. 

    It should also be mentioned that the use of a non-certified installer can void the manufacturer’s warranty. 

    Hopefully, with this information, you can go into your next office installation more prepared and better equipt to handle any of the problems that can and will arise. 

    Have More Questions About Buying Furniture?

    Buying new office furniture can be a significant investment of both time and money; you should feel armed with all the information you need to make the right decision for your business.

    Our Office Furniture Buyer’s Guide answers all the questions our customers most frequently ask us, such as:

    • What are the costs of office furniture?
    • How do furniture warranties work?
    • Am I picking the right furniture?
    • And much, much more.

    Read The Office Furniture Buyer's Guide

    Cody Turner
    Digital Content Specialist
    Office Interiors